Arizona Psychological association |
The search fields below will produce a list of AzPA members who have identified that they seek to participate in different professional roles for the family court.
If you are an active AzPA member and interested in being added to this roster or would like to make edits to your entry, please update the information in your member profile. If you would like to become a member, please review the various levels of membership and/or join here.
If you have any questions regarding the roster below, please contact Daphne Stokes at 480-675-9477.
The list should not be considered a certification of capability and qualification. Rather, it is simply a list of professionals who are willing to participate in family court cases. AzPA is in no way endorsing any particular professional, nor are we guaranteeing satisfaction with their services. AzPA is not responsible or liable for the quality of any referrals. We encourage all members of the public to search the status of a professional's license through the correlating licensing board. You may visit the following license directories, posted for your convenience to confirm certification(s).
Arizona Board of Psychologist Examiners