Presented by Emilie Karlin, Ph.D. and Emily Raymond
Program Description
This program is focused on applied state legislature advocacy for psychologists in Arizona. It will examine some historical ways psychologists have contributed to the political process, as well as practical ways psychologists can practice advocacy. We will discuss the tension between the perception of the practice of psychology as in individual or small group activity and the consideration of responsibility to effect social change on a larger level. We will define intersectionality and examine how we might utilize the concept of intersectionality to focus on social justice and equality. We will review the model created by the legislative committee to determine which pieces of legislature the committee will focus on. Our lobbying firm representative will provide an overview of different ways to be involved in the political process, and discuss best ways to build relationships with legislators. The program will be didactic.
Program Level: Intermediate
Learning Objectives:
Identify three historical ways psychologists have participated in political movement.
Describe three practical ways psychologists can advocate for social change.
Describe how to find and contact their legislator.
1.0 CE credit will be awarded for this program.